Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

What's Your Weapon? Contest Winner

Sheldon Brown With Suzuki Katana 750

What's Your Weapon? Contest Winner

Sheldon Brown With Suzuki Katana 750
I am a pastor of a large church and with that comes a large responsibility. I am often dealing with the trials and struggles of the people that I serve. Along with that, my beautiful wife and I have six children that require so much of our time and energy.
Speed And Stregth Motorcycle Weapon Jacket
How To Enter
The new Speed and Strength My Motorcycle is My Weapon jacket can be yours by simply telling the world your story. Shoot us a pic or two of you and your ride, and tell us how/why it's your weapon. Each monthly winner will receive a My Motorcycle is My Weapon jacket along with their story published for all to see.Send submissions to SSBmail@sorc.com. All submissions will be published online.

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